Ellie Murray and Lucy D'Agostino McGowan chat with Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist studying at the University of Wollongong and a science communication writer for the Guardian, Observer, and more!

Here are some links to the content we talk about in this episode:

📝 Gideon's post on relative versus absolute risk

🐦 Gideon's twitter account @justsaysrisks

🎙 Everything Hertz Podcast

🎙Gideon's Sensationalist Science Podcast

✍️ Gideon on Medium

📧 Email Gideon for advice on getting started in Sci Comm: [email protected]

👩‍🏫 PeDAGogy

We discussed a paper recently published in BMJ on the association between arts engagement and mortality  Andrew Heiss tweeted a DAG with a proposed relationship between opera and longevity

Robert Platt also tweeted about this, suggesting that there may be an explanation other than confounding

📰 Global news

The New York Times wrote an article on the BMJ paper that we discussed in peDAGogy Here is some info on the BMJ Christmas Issue Lucy and Jeff Leek’s clickbait-y Ted-ed lesson on clickbait

Follow along on Twitter:

The American Journal of Epidemiology: @AmJEpi Ellie: @EpiEllie Lucy: @LucyStats Gid: @GidMK

🎶 Our intro/outro music is courtesy of Joseph McDade.
👩‍🎨 Our artwork is by Allison Horst.

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