​Captain Sean Holmes and First Officer Brian Massey are back! This time we review The 1st Episode of the 2nd Season of Star Trek: The Original Series. In this episode, Spock undergoes a Vulcan stage of life known as the Pon Farr where he is forced to mate with his bride, T'Pring. T'Pring evokes her right to have Spock fight for her. However, she chooses Kirk as her champion, leaving Spock with a devastating choice... pd_s2_e1.mp3File Size: 34622 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

​Captain Sean Holmes and First Officer Brian Massey are back! This time we review The 1st Episode of the 2nd Season of Star Trek: The Original Series. In this episode, Spock undergoes a Vulcan stage of life known as the Pon Farr where he is forced to mate with his bride, T'Pring. T'Pring evokes her right to have Spock fight for her. However, she chooses Kirk as her champion, leaving Spock with a devastating choice... pd_s2_e1.mp3File Size: 34622 kbFile Type: mp3Download File