On this mission, we explore Episode 27 of Star Trek: TOS, The Alternative Factor! After a disconcerting period of "nonexistence", Kirk finds a man called Lazarus who claims to be the cause of the distortion and is chasing an enemy with the aid of a time/space craft. However when he demands the Enterprise's dilithium crystals to continue his search, Kirk is left with a dilemma. pd_28.mp3File Size: 32570 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

On this mission, we explore Episode 27 of Star Trek: TOS, The Alternative Factor! After a disconcerting period of "nonexistence", Kirk finds a man called Lazarus who claims to be the cause of the distortion and is chasing an enemy with the aid of a time/space craft. However when he demands the Enterprise's dilithium crystals to continue his search, Kirk is left with a dilemma. pd_28.mp3File Size: 32570 kbFile Type: mp3Download File