On this mission, we explore Episode 16 of Star Trek: TOS, Shore Leave. Enjoying a much needed shore leave, the crew soon discover their fantasies are turning into reality with the appearance of imaginary characters from Alice in Wonderland. Things soon turn dangerous with the appearance of a deadly knight who swiftly kills Dr. McCoy... Plus, as usual, we geek out about all things Star Trek! pd_16.mp3File Size: 28137 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

On this mission, we explore Episode 16 of Star Trek: TOS, Shore Leave. 
Enjoying a much needed shore leave, the crew soon discover their fantasies are turning into reality with the appearance of imaginary characters from Alice in Wonderland. Things soon turn dangerous with the appearance of a deadly knight who swiftly kills Dr. McCoy... Plus, as usual, we geek out about all things Star Trek! pd_16.mp3File Size: 28137 kbFile Type: mp3Download File