Hello and welcome to Castival. This is the podcast which asks amazing guests to pitch their dream music festival. Today's guest is an award-winning alternative stand-up comedian, a member of punk band, and the author of A History Of Heavy Metal. It's Andrew O'Neill

Stagger your way through a maze of portaloos, to find Andrew O’Neill’s adminless Castival campsite. This festival is serving up serious punk, metal and rock in extreme measures. Not for the faint hearted or mud-averse.

You can listen to Andrew's handpicked Playlist for their festival. Available on Spotify.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6IpdQJjUWGEqZpYiIx2HsJ?si=4YON-S72SieXkneT-O1Klg

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Please follow Andrew O'Neill on social media: @destructo9000

Also please follow us on social media: @CastivalPodcast on Twitter. You can also email us on [email protected] if you wanted to contact us with any questions or if you wanted to submit your own music festivals.


Further Plugs

Follow me (Matt Hoss) on @MattHossComedy on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Check out my daily Twitch streams on @MattHossComedy to see me play video games.


Check out my website for my comedy goodies and to see what I'm up to. http://www.matthosscomedy.com/
Buy my Stand-up Comedy debut hour: Here Comes Your Man from bandcamp.

Why don't you check out my other podcasts? Matt Hoss Talks To People He Likes is a an interview based podcast with musicians and comedians. Miffs is hosted by Matt Hoss and Dan Rhodes and they goofily retell and analyse Ancient Greek, Roman and Norse myths. 

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