This week, I welcome Darren Suggs, co-owner of Marble Masters on the show. He and his brother purchased their business during the summer of 1980 and have been at it ever since. They both grew up on a farm and his uncle owned a machine shop close to them so they were always tinkering and...

This week, I welcome Darren Suggs, co-owner of Marble Masters on the show. He and his brother purchased their business during the summer of 1980 and have been at it ever since.

They both grew up on a farm and his uncle owned a machine shop close to them so they were always tinkering and fabricating all sorts of things. From a technical standpoint, they felt this type of business was just the right fit for them.

Darren had just turned 19 and had finished up his freshman year of college majoring in computer science when the opportunity to buy this business presented itself. His local bank loaned them the money to at a whopping 17.5% interest rate!

On this podcast episode, Darren will share some of the biggest challenges they’ve faced in 40 years of business and some great business lessons they’ve learned along the way.

You can learn more about their company by visiting them at