"Getting LOST" is a documentary directed by Taylor Morden (The Last Blockbuster) and produced by Ralph d. Apel (Dharmalars). Join them as they talk about their recent shoot on Oahu with cast, crew and fans of LOST! We will be joined by podcaster and behind the scenes LOST sleuth, Ryan Ozawa ( @hawaii )!!

“Getting LOST” is a documentary directed by Taylor Morden (The Last Blockbuster) and produced by Ralph d. Apel (Dharmalars). Join them as they talk about their recent shoot on Oahu with cast, crew and fans of LOST! We will be joined by podcaster and behind the scenes LOST sleuth, Ryan Ozawa ( @hawaii )!!

Continue to support “Getting LOST” at the Indiegogo page at https://www.gettinglostdoc.com

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