Today’s Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Joshua March is the founder and CEO of Conversocial, a leading provider of cloud-based social customer service solutions. He founded this cool company in 2009 based on his vision that online communication and customer service are undergoing a fundamental shift, requiring businesses to invest in new processes and technologies to manage the rapidly shifting social landscape.

A leading proponent of social media, Joshua previously founded leading social application company iPlatform, one of the world’s first Facebook-Preferred Developers, which was acquired in 2012. But as you might guess, this wasn’t always the path Joshua was on.

Growing up in England, Joshua actually wanted to be a Barrister, which is a lawyer in America. He attended classes, but as he moved forward he started looking at different opportunities and decided to become an entrepreneur instead. Eventually he stopped attending lectures and did the bare minimum in university to attain his degree, which he wouldn’t end up using. For Joshua this happened to be a very good choice.

He didn’t wait for anyone’s permission and moved forward at the speed of sound. Joshua says one of the reasons he took this path is because he isn’t afraid of taking risks. He is not afraid of failure events either. Joshua says entrepreneurs can’t be afraid of risks and failure. You’ll have to listen to this episode to learn the very romantic reasons behind his mindset of moving forward as an entrepreneur no matter what challenges he would encounter.

Starting boldly, Joshua started out with homemade flyers and then business cards. He had an idea and didn’t want to wait to take action. My kind of guy! Joshua does say that now he the value of planning and being prepared a bit better so he can achieve his objectives in a less chaotic way.

If you want to learn more about Joshua’s path and everything he’s done as an entrepreneur, including how he funded his first venture at the tender age of 20, you’re going to have to put your ears on right now! Learn more. LISTEN NOW.

ew York where he leads the US operations of Conversocial, as well as global strategy.

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