Today’s episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast is the start of something a little different. I’m responding to requests by Cashflow Core Members and listeners to do more non-interview episodes where I cover different topics they want me to cover.

Today’s episode focuses on overcoming your limiting beliefs, which is something that is critical when you are moving to doing real estate investing and owning a business. There are real steps – physical steps – that you will have to move through, but they are just steps. Letting it be as simple as that is the secret to your success. That means you have to quiet the negative, fear-based, limiting voices in your head.

So how do you do that?

First, understand that you absolutely CAN do what you intend. Second, you take the steps involved in getting a property under contract, opening escrow and closing the deal. Third, never listen to people around you who are Negative Nellies. You certainly do not need to listen to their psyche-bashing words.

If you can’t believe in yourself, let me help you. There is a process to getting you to your destiny. It starts with a thought and building the right habits (thereby breaking unhelpful habits). This is actually called the Process of Manifestation!

What holds you back from success are your personal limiting beliefs.

For example, I hear all the time from people, particularly real estate agents, that “you can’t do that,” or “that’s not how it works,” or whatever else they tell themselves as to the process of how anyone – literally anyone – can be a real estate investor… even if they don’t have money, credit or experience.

I promise you that there is NO excuse that passes muster with me as to why you can’t do well investing in real estate. You’re not “too old, too young, too black, too white, too fat, too thin” or too anything. When I hear that, I also promise you that I’m going to use my best Carefrontation™ approach and get to the root of the excuse.

I had heard these things early on myself. Heck, I believed some of those things, but guess what? My experiences burst through my limiting beliefs. I didn’t need a license to invest in real estate investing (neither do you). I could put down a $10 earnest money down payment (because I’ve done it over and over and over again.) I didn’t need a good credit score (neither do you). I could get seller financing all day long (and so can you). I didn’t have to pay a high interest rate to my investors (because there are lots of ways to work with investors and it’s NOT all about the interest rate). I didn’t need to pay people a whole lotta money to get them to work with me (there are lots of ways to get people to work with and for you).

I hope you get a lot out of this episode. If the information strikes a chord with you and you have questions for me, guess what? You can schedule a time to chat with me briefly.