When you hear the word "sales" or "selling" does your stomach do a bit of a flip? That anxiety is something you need to push past, because if one thing's for sure... Selling is a part of all we do in our lives, especially professionally. Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Mark Jamnik helps to remove the fear from your perception of "sales." In fact, by the end of this episode, you might just embrace sales in a whole new way! Mark makes sales and talking about selling fun. Maybe that's because Mark's a natural salesman. But he had to develop his skills over time. He learned this early on as he sold all sorts of things growing up (and enjoyed it). In high school he started a lawn care business. He earned good money doing it. When he went off to college Mark hired others to mow his clients' lawns and he still earned money. BINGO! A true entrepreneur was born, but Mark still had a lot to learn. After college, he went into a professional sales job, but it was a pretty bumpy road. He left to begin his own business, but fooled himself into thinking it would have nothing to do with sales. He had to go through a process of learning that he had to embrace his sales abilities and that sales were and always would be a part of all he did. He replaced the word "sales" with "serve" and started finding ways of serving people (not selling them something), and success was assured! Now he helps others go through the same process to find their passion and path, just like he did. Learn how selling and serving others is applicable to your life and business in this mindset-altering episode!