Most anniversaries are celebrated with wine and song, but maybe not this one. Every year, the date of February 13 marks a dramatic and pivotal point in J. Massey's life and the lives of those he loves. It was on this day in 2008 that J. announced to his wife that they were losing their family home and were in big trouble financially. It might sound like an odd thing to commemorate, but it's also a date that will live in J.'s memory forever because squatting in his bank-owned home pushed him hard to change his life once and for all.

What happened next put him on the path to do what he does today as an investor, speaker, educator and author. J.'s decision to launch head first into Real Estate Investing training gave him the basic skills he needed. The actions he took immediately upon learning a tip or tactic catapulted him to the head of the class to become the top investor he is today. In this special episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast, J. Massey speaks honestly and openly about his experience on this day back in 2008.

He shares the exact path he took to get out of his old life of challenge and struggle, and into his new life where lots more freedom and time with his kids awaited. He talks about how and why he developed his Profit Analysis Quadrant tool, and a whole lot more.