Welcome back everybody to the AJ Osborne Podcast! Thanks so much for tuning in and for all your amazing support. 


Today we have an amazing guest on the show that I wish I could give you an epic description of, but its virtually guaranteed that whatever cool words I used, it wouldn’t do any justice. My guest today is Rich Fettke. 


It’s wild because Rich and I share very similar paths as to WHY behind not only real estate investing, but our values and foundations we’ve built our lives and investment strategies around. 


As a young adult Rich was diagnosed with terminal melanoma and given just 6 months to live. Having a wife and kids, this immediately kickstarted the very real need to ensure their families future without Rich - as tough as that idea was. 

So what did they do? Through a series of events, they turned to real estate to secure that future. 


Thankfully Rich had actually been misdiagnosed and 20+ years later, him and his wife Kathy have built a real estate empire, not only for themselves but for over 60,000 members of their group Real Wealth


Rich shares so much amazing value with you guys in this episode and we talk everything from start to finish - how him and his wife got into real estate investing, how they built a business and a thriving community around real estate investing, and the amazing life he and his wife have built. 


All said and done, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. 


And here the links to get in touch with Rich so you can keep up with all the amazing things he has going on: 


Real Wealth: https://realwealth.com/
Rich Fettke Website: https://www.fettke.com/
Rich’s Book The Wise Investor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09Y3P465L/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/richfettke/

Thanks everybody,