Each person has their own reasons for motivation and they may be dramatically different from one another. There's a good chance that your colleague, friend, or family member has a much different motivating factor than you that gets them up in the morning, and keeps them going. What makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning? What motivates you to put in that extra 20%?

Our guest for today is Rod Khleif who is a passionate real estate investor who has personally owned and managed over 2,000 apartments and homes. As an accomplished entrepreneur, Rod has built several successful multi-million dollar businesses, however, he is most proud of his 15+ years of community building and philanthropy. He founded the Tiny Hands Foundation, which has benefited more than 55,000 children in need.

Today we are going to discuss...

What the realization felt like, and how our guest was able to dig himself out of that How our guest gained and lost over $20 million dollars Visualization strategies that helped the world through philanthropy What makes our guest excited to get out of bed

Learn more about our guest:



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