A few months ago, I was at a dinner with someone who has a personal net worth in the nine-figure range.

I'm not going to use their name here...

But you're probably familiar with who they are.

They asked me how I got to where I am today...

...and I gave them my typical boilerplate response about how I "tried to raise capital and failed...but later, figured it out."

But, unlike most people, they didn't allow me to smooth over what happened in between then and now.

In fact, they actually said...

"Ok wait…Explain the step by step. Tell me what you did after you failed."

And so I found myself revealing something that I really haven't talked about with almost anyone, let alone someone I respect.

Here's the truth...

The lowest point of my life came after I failed to raise capital…

I couldn’t get the job that I wanted.

Real estate companies and realtors ignored my resume because of my unconventional background…

Doing odd jobs as a college student…

Even a full-time career in online poker…

It just doesn’t read well, right?

I ended up looking at random jobs on Craigslist until I found something that seemed promising.

Until it became clear during the interview process that it was a cold-calling job…

They didn’t really care about my background, so anyone could get the job.

I just took the job because, besides that, I'm going to make money; this will be my opportunity to get comfortable on the phone…

After weeks of working and making more than a hundred calls a day…

My commissions were averaging around minimum wage.

What I thought was an opportunity turned out to be the darkest time and the lowest point of my career..

That was the point that I recognized I had to make a change.

Accepting the fact that I don’t have the skills yet and I don’t have a great resume…

I know that I can’t rely on anyone else…

And eventually, I just figured it out on my own.

In today's episode, I will tell you how I went from minimum wage cold calling to raising over $80 million raised...

And the lessons you can take from doing that.

Tune in!

Take Control,

Hunter Thompson

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Check out our new FREE webinar -  How to Ensure You Never Scramble for Capital Again (The 3 Capital-Raising Secrets). Click Here to register.


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