The development of affordable housing is next to impossible unless you have developed a significant business around the relationships with governments, planning commissions, neighborhoods, and politicians. However, knowing who to build relationships with is only half the battle. Luckily, our guest for today joins us to explain how to build these crucial relationships.

Our guest for today is Evan Holladay, who is a real estate developer and investor with over $225 million of multifamily real estate. He is the Founder and CEO of Holladay Ventures where his team specializes in creating and investing in workforce, affordable, and mixed-income communities. Evan is also the host of a top 200 business and real estate podcast, Monumental, where he sits down with top leaders and entrepreneurs making massive changes in the world.

Today we are going to discuss...

How the affordable tax credit system works How our guest ended up owning $20mm-$40mm properties with less than $1mm invested The main underwriting assumptions our guest looks at when analyzing a potential development How our guest creates meaningful and lasting relationships with government agencies 
Learn more about our guest:
@EvanHolladay (Instagram)

The development of affordable housing is next to impossible unless you have developed a significant business around the relationships with governments, planning commissions, neighborhoods, and politicians. However, knowing who to build relationships with is only half the battle. Luckily, our guest for today joins us to explain how to build these crucial relationships. Our guest for today is Evan Holladay, who is a real estate developer and investor with over $225 million of multifamily real estate. He is the Founder and CEO of Holladay Ventures where his team specializes in creating and investing in workforce, affordable, and mixed-income communities. Evan is also the host of a top 200 business and real estate podcast, Monumental, where he sits down with top leaders and entrepreneurs making massive changes in the world. Today we are going to discuss...

How the affordable tax credit system works How our guest ended up owning $20mm-$40mm properties with less than $1mm invested The main underwriting assumptions our guest looks at when analyzing a potential development How our guest creates meaningful and lasting relationships with government agencies  Learn more about our guest: @EvanHolladay (Instagram)