Math FOI: Summer School Edition (0:34:06)↑
Math is something some of us can fan over and Consulting Fans Finnagain and Emma Grant share that squee, talking about how they got into math, their favourite areas of math, math and society, and recs! (Extended cut coming soon with more on math culture, what math they want to see in the world, and so many more fun examples.)
Math Recs:

Numberphile Youtube channel
52! Video (Vsauce)
Historical cipher machines
The Making Of by Emma Grant (Johnlock fic with cryptography)
Proof: root two is irrational
Proof: Aleph 1 > Aleph 0 (VSauce video)
Tiktok on the origins of Zero 
Flatland: A Romance Of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott (victorian romance between a square and a sphere, problematic classic) and film
Math jokes of the bumper music Finite Simple Group (of order two)

This segment was first released on August 1, 2021 in Episode 119: Reunion!
Music Credit

Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Math FOI – Klein Four: Finite Simple Group (of Order Two)

Production CreditsProducer/Editor: Finnagain 
Banner Art: Fox EstacadoDistribution funded by fans!

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How to CiteAPABy Three Patch Productions. (2021, August 1). Math FOI: Summer School Edition Three Patch Podcast Episode 119 Reunion! Podcast segment retrieved from

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