Doyle’s Rotary Coffin Interview (0:55:46)↑Paul Thomas Miller takes us inside Doyle’s Rotary Coffin, an inclusive online Sherlockian community of No Holmes Barred fun and creativity.

Paul Thomas Miller’s twitter and YouTube
Doyle’s Rotary Coffin website

Print your own membership card
35 “Worst” Holmes Films project
DRC Books

Johnlocked’s Doyle’s Rotary Coffin game & how to play


This segment was first released on December 1, 2020 in Episode 111: There Must Be A Connection
Music Credit

Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes.

Doyle’s Rotary Coffin Interview – Paul Thomas Miller: The Sherlock Connection

Production CreditsSegment Producer/Editor: Johnlocked
Banner Art: Fox EstacadoDistribution funded by fans!

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How to CiteAPABy Three Patch Productions. (2020, December 1). Doyle's Rotary Coffin Interview Three Patch Podcast Episode 111 There Must Be A Connection. Podcast segment retrieved from

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