Before I begin, please subscribe to my newsletter so you can get them directly in your inbox each week! This is a weekly letter focusing on Bitcoin, the new financial system, and the future of the internet.


How are you all doing today?!? Personally I am ecstatic. Writing this weekly newsletter has been so rewarding and fun. I learn so much putting them together, and feel a sense of pride to contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem in some way. The mainstream media is a click-bait machine and The Molesy Message seeks to disrupt that. I want to deliver high-quality, educational, and thought-provoking content. Traditional media just wants to rob you of your precious time to scare you into a political party. F**k em!

That is another thing with this newsletter, it is mine. I can say whatever I want. So yea, f**k em! Personally, I think having the freedom to write what you want makes for better, unbiased writing. Instead of writing to get followers and views, you can write to educate.

My last educational message got a few eyeballs so we have a few more subscribers to this small, yet very intelligent, growing group of investors and contrarian thinkers.

We are the ones running into the burning building to save one more person, not the coward running out to save themselves. We are path makers in the digital world.

Clean the keyboard. Get a comfy chair. We got work to do. The path to a better world isn’t built with callused hands, boots, hard hats, saw saws, and guns. The path to a better world is built in the new digital economy.

For those that are reading this, we are small but proud. I spend hours on end every day researching for this newsletter. Sometimes my thinking is clouded by the constant content exposure of the crypto universe. I explain a concept or idea and think everyone knows what bitcoin is and why we need this deflationary, scarce, immutable, money.

Yet I come to the hard conclusion, we are still early.

I read a detailed 27-page report the other day on Glassnodes website and the biggest thing that stood out was data charting bitcoin balances and address growth.

The growth in people/addresses that own 0.1 to 1 bitcoin puts a smile on my face. We are a small group in the grand scheme of things, yet the world is growing to accept a new store of value.

Even more surprising, if you have 10-100 bitcoins, you are apart of a small group of fewer than 140,000 addresses. Furthermore, if you own between 1k and 10k bitcoins, you could be one of 2,043 addresses.

*(Addresses could be compared to wallets. So think of it as 2,043 wallets have that number of bitcoin in them.)

When I see these kinds of numbers, I am reminded how early we still are. There are still billions more people to educate about bitcoin and its importance to this world.

So thanks for being on this journey and helping build a new digital path.

If you are new here and are wondering:

What is Bitcoin? Why is it important?

I highly recommend checking out Anthony Pompliano’s recent video:

Keep stacking sats. Keep building this new path. Keep being a contrarian.

And if they think you are crazy and it can’t be done, f**k em!

Brick by brick. Day by day. Suffer proudly. Believe in yourself.


As a reminder, this is not financial advice. Do your own research.

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