This letter is a continuation of Suffering Leads To Wealth.

Wealth Leads You To Health

Everything you want is on the other side of suffering. To find truth you must suffer. Why? Suffering goes against the crowd and back towards the sovereign individual.

Once we understand suffering, we can seek the truth.

Yet, there is no truth, only good explanations. Nothing in this life is absolute. 

Once you embrace suffering you can focus on how to make money. The best form of money we have right now is bitcoin. Bitcoin is the best explanation we have because it is decentralized, scarce, and universal.

All good explanations are universal and contain the biggest reach. Understanding this is sufferable. Buying bitcoin and embracing new technology goes against how society operates. Even if it is so clear that this is the future of money, your own insecurities will get in the way of creating wealth. That is why we must suffer first. Suffer and you will create wealth.

What is wealth?

Wealth doesn’t mean an enormous amount of money. Wealth = freedom. Freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whoever you want.

Our society has tried to shun making money. Some will say money doesn’t buy happiness or trying to be rich is a bad thing. Those who say that are playing a zero-sum game. Better said, they are playing a status game. They want to put down others for making money because they don’t want to put in the effort and the suffering it takes to generate real wealth.

Everyone can be wealthy thanks to new technology and the abundance it has created. Wealth, again, means freedom.

In order to achieve freedom, you must invest your time differently. The world is a prisoner of war to fiat currencies and the Petrodollar system. They invest their time in a system full of bad explanations. A system of rapid depreciating value. 

In order to achieve freedom, you must store your monetary energy in bitcoin. 

Fiat Currency & Our Current Financial System = Not Universal 

Bitcoin = Universal

“Because of the necessity for error correction, all jumps to universality occur in digital systems.”

-David Deutsch, The Beginning Of Infinity, pg. 142

Fiat money will never stand the test of time because it is analog. Fiat money cannot achieve error correction to be universal. The only way it error corrects is by creating more units or manipulating interest rates. This analog way of problem-solving will provide a slow bleed into death.

The digital age we entered in with the birth of the internet provided a necessary jump from analog to digital; from non-error-correcting to error-correcting. 

The internet was able to error correct to solve for the continuous debasement of fiat currency and invented Bitcoin following the financial crisis of 2008. Bitcoin is digital, universal, and error-correcting. 

If a problem arises, instead of creating more units or changing the fabric of the system like fiat currency, bitcoin error corrects using a difficulty adjustment (short term) and halving cycles (long-term).

Bitcoin can, therefore, error correct. Fiat currencies cannot. 

Once you suffer to understand this concept and the scarcity of bitcoin you will exit the system. Once you exit into this new system you will be able to generate wealth. Once you generate wealth you can focus on health. 

In order to achieve such a momentous outcome, you must focus. Focus deeply on understanding suffering and how it affects our decisions in society. Take those teachings and focus on making money. Then you have more time, monetary energy, and optimism to focus on longevity.


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As a reminder, this is not financial advice. Do your own research. 

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