Hosted by filmmaker Yujiro Seki, Carving the Divine TV Podcast is a series of Q&A sessions with Buddhist scholars and practitioners. These Q&A sessions explore the basic concepts of Buddhism and the history of Buddhism so that when listeners finally watch the documentary film "Carving the Divine - Buddhist Sculptors of Japan" they will get the maximum value of the documentary. 

In this Practitioner’s Episode, We have a special interview episode with Jodo Shu priest, Rev. Taijun Kasahara from Rinkaian temple.  Yes, we have an English-speaking Japanese priest to share with us the important teachings of Jodo Shu!  See you in the show! 

We will ask important questions such as:

What is Jodo Shu? What is the core teaching of Jodo Shu?
What is the brief history about Jodo Shu?
Who is Rev. Honen?  Why did he leave Tendai Buddhism/Mt. Hiei? 
What is a degenerated age (Mappo)? 
What is Amida Nyroai (Amida Buddha)? 
Does Jodo Shu only venerate Amida Nyorai? 
What is Amida’s original vow? 
What is Jiriki and Tariki? Why is Tariki important? 
What is Nembutsu? What does “Namu Amida Butsu mean? 
What exactly is the Pure Land? Where is it? 
What are some of the differences between Jodo Shu and Jodo Shin Shu? 

Taijun Kasahara was born in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Keio University, he worked in the accounting department of Nippon Express (a logistics company) for eight years. Then he quit that job and became an official priest of Jodo Shu after learning and training at Bukkyo University in Kyoto.  In 2005 he opened a new temple, Rinkaian, in Tama City in Tokyo. As the chief priest of the temple, he has been serving the believers and other people in the area, and also spreading the teachings of Jodo Shu through the Internet.

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