Hosted by filmmaker Yujiro Seki, Carving the Divine TV is a series of Q&A sessions with Buddhist scholars and practitioners. These Q&A sessions explore the basic concepts of Buddhism and the history of Buddhism so that when viewers finally watch Carving the Divine they will get the maximum value of the documentary.  Today, we will have Rev. Meido Moore Roshi, the abbot of Korinji (Rinzai Zen training monastery to discuss the basic concept of Rinzai Zen Buddhism. 

We will ask important questions such as:
1. What is your personal definition on Zen?
2. What is Rinzai school? What is unique about it?
3. What is exactly Koan practice (sudden awakening)?
4. Who is the Rinzai founder Eisai?
5. How does Rinzai Zen use Buddhist sculpture in practice?

Meido Moore Roshi is the abbot of Korinji (, a Rinzai Zen training monastery near Madison, Wisconsin. He is an 86th-generation Zen dharma heir, and a 48th-generation holder of the Rinzai lineage transmitted to the West by Omori Sogen Roshi, perhaps the most famous Rinzai Zen master of the 20th century.

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