Hello and Welcome to Season 9, episode 12 of the Cartridge Club. August's game for the CC was none other than Hades from Supergiant Games.

Joining Dean Lasagna on the show to talk about the game we have community members Ross (@rrengo), Captain Drachma (@captaindrachma) and Joel (JJSBoyce)

As always, follow along with the conversation every month on our community's Discord, and on Twitter @CartridgeClubNA.

Don't forget to give our podcast a review on whatever podcast app that you use! If you're interested in supporting us and our community - and get to be involved in the selection of future games of the month - check out how at https://www.patreon.com/CartridgeClub​


Ross | Twitter: @rrengo

Captain Drachma | Twitter: @captaindrachma

Joel | Twitter: @JJSBoyce