Hello and thanks for tuning in to this bonus episode of the Cartridge Club. If you are new to the Club I’ll quickly explain what we are. The Cartridge Club is a community of content creators and gamers of all generations. We interact on Twitter, Play games together online and chat it up on the forums at www.cartridgeclub.org


This bonus show is going to be all about Wolfenstein The New Order and will contain spoilers. You have been warned. Now let's meet the panel...


First up from the YouTube channel formerly known as Burning Books, a man whose future self is likely the oldest living member of the Cartridge Club Mr. Caleb J Ross


As well we have the man whose Weekly collector blogs have single handedly stalled all the funding for my home renovations, a founding member of the Cartridge Club Mr. Dean Lasagna


Last and certainly not least we have one of the co-hosts of Media Mavens, from Cannot Be Tamed on YouTube, the Uber Nazi killer, Pam.


Finally filling the role of co-host and moderator for this extra episode of the Cartridge Club we have death incarnate himself, Mr. Musty Hobbit


Level 1: 05:10

Musty gives a quick overview of Wolfenstein and panel discusses their first impressions.


Developer: Machine Games


Publisher: Bethesda Softworks


Director: Jens Matthies

Producer: Jerk Gustafsson, Lars Johansson

Composer: Mick Gordon, Fredrik Thordenal

Designer: Fredrik Ljungdahl, Jerk Gustafsson

Series: Wolfenstein

Platform(s): XboxOne, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Release Date: 20 May 2014

Genre: First Person Shooter



Level 2: 18:48

Discuss story of the game:


In an alternate 1960 the Nazis were victorious in WWII. We play as William BJ Blazkowicz an American soldier who has spent the last 16 years in a comatose state. Upon waking up BJ hooks up with a doctor friend and they seek out the resistance to help fight back against their Nazi overlords.





William B.J. Blazkowicz

Ferguson Reid

Probst Wyatt IIi

Anya Oliwa

Caroline Becker

Max Hass

Klaus Kreutz

Set Roth






Frau Engel

Wilhelm “Deathshead” Strasse




Discuss gameplay mechanics: 58:45


Tactical cover based shooter


Skill tree upgrades

Health pack overloading






Discuss sound: 1:24:33


Favourite background music

Discuss sound effects

Memorable or forgettable



Discuss graphics: 1:40:30


Nazi uniforms designs

Weapon designs

Favorite settings

Favourite character/stage



Level 3: 1:56:02

Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?


Level 4: 2:07:07

3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel


Level 5:

Outro (thank panel and audience)


Player 1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flockofnerds | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros



Twitter: https://twitter.com/MustyHobbit | YouTube: www.youtube.com/mustyhobbit



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasyla_ | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cannotbetamed1 | Podcast: https://mediamavens.simplecast.fm | Website: http://www.cannotbetamed.com



Twitter: https://twitter.com/Round_2_Gaming | Blog: http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner



Twitter: https://twitter.com/calebjross | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/calebjross

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