In this episode of CartoonSomethingYouknoWhatever Podcast, Keenan chokes on water and we give you the first part of our Pokémon series by comparing Pokémon to its two counterparts on tv: Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh!. We also examine Ash's badge "wins" in Kanto, Matthew lets out some of his feelings on Genwunners opinion on Pokemon now and why he hated Gen 3 growing up (and still kinda does), the cheat code you had to wait for known as Patamon, Exodia vs the Egyptian Gods, strong females in Pokemon, Whitney NOT being the toughest female trainer in Johto, Orlando's imitation of Digimon attacks, Myotismon vs Lucemon for the best Digimon villain, why Piedmon should've been the last boss for season 1 of Digimon, why Misty wouldn't have been missed as much and Iris would be more appreciated if May and Dawn weren't horrid characters, how Ash releasing Goodra infuriates fans everywhere, and we answer the question of what are the top ten Nickelodeon cartoon shows. Support the podcast by following us on, subscribe to our show via iTunes, make a PayPal donation (all funds go into the show), and share the show to other people. Email us at [email protected] topics you would like to discuss or questions you would like us to answer.