RIP David Huddleston (1930-2016). In this episode of CSYW, we rundown the possibility of Ash Ketchum FINALLY WINNING A LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! We also cover some of the events that leads up to the Kalos League Finals where he faces Alain, his Goodra's backstory, why the time in Unova should never be brought up when talking about the anime, the connection that Ash has with Greninja and Greninja's rivalry with Sawyer's Sceptile, possible new typings for Alolan Pokemon, and create a team of Pokemon for real life use among other topics. Support the podcast by following us on, subscribe to our show via iTunes and on Google Play, make a PayPal donation (all funds go into the show), and share the show to other people. Email us at [email protected] topics you would like to discuss or questions you would like us to answer.