After some brief introductions and conversation, Robert dives into "Gulf 917" and asks Jay to explain his love affair with the car and why it's such an important car--which has some interesting ties to Steve McQueen...(1:52) Then, Jay explains how the car series changed 'the game' in unexpected ways due to continuously changing 'rules' (6:14) before Robert asks for a quick rundown on what a '917' car is and why the Gulf is special (8:47). Then Jay explains exactly how the Gulf 917 came about (13:07), and why chronicling all 14 chassis was important (18:39). Before a short break, Robert asks how it was that Gulf became involved on the venture (20:41).

Then Robert asks Jay to discuss some of the drivers of the cars--many of whom Jay befriended while writing his book (24:49), then Jay talks about the community of Porsche enthusiasts he engages with on Facebook and how they are a source of information (29:15), and Robert pivots the discussion to share how one of the chassis went to auction at Gooding & Company for a record-breaking amount (30:56). Then Robert asks Jay about how he actually went about writing this book (35:32), some of his discoveries in the writing process (39:36), and his involvement with the rescheduled Pebble Beach events that were meant to showcase the Gulf 917s (42:18).


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Hosted by: Robert Ross

Produced and Edited by: Chris Porter

Sound Engineering by: Michael Kennedy

Theme Music by: Celleste and Eric Dick

A CurtCo Media production

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