A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... diligent scientists on Earth dedicated their lives to making groundbreaking discoveries, aiming to forge a brighter future for humanity. However, amidst this noble pursuit, a sinister presence emerges. Some scientists succumbed to the temptations of scientific fraud and turned to the dark of data manipulation and fabrication.

Join us in the first installment of our two-part series: SciFact vs SciFraud, as we explore why some researchers in the scientific community forsaken the noble oath of pursuing truth and knowledge, and commit the irredeemable sin of scientific fraud. This episode features three distinguished experts: Dr. Elizabeth Bik, an image forensics expert who cracks down on image manipulations/duplications; Dr. Leif Nelson, an expert statistician and a Professor at UC Berkeley; Dr. Leonid Schneider, a scientific journalist who does excellent and rigorous reporting of scientific misconduct.

This episode is produced by Isaac Chang, Marilyn Steyert, Camila Benitez, and Cindy Liu. Music is from Blue Dot sessions. Cover art is generated by DALL-E. You can find the pdf transcript of this episode on carrytheoneradio.com