Next Episode: CO 2: A Single Thought

This morning, I was starting at a blank screen which was all that was left of my old blog… Instead of fighting to get the old show back up, I have decided to start a new one. I have purchased a new domain but haven’t yet got it up and running.  As soon as it […]

This morning, I was starting at a blank screen which was all that was left of my old blog…

Instead of fighting to get the old show back up, I have decided to start a new one.

I have purchased a new domain but haven’t yet got it up and running.  As soon as it is, everything will get moved there and this site will become more of a place for talking about my knitting designs.

Give it a listen and, please, let me know what you think.

Contact me at carry(dot)autumnbreeze(at)gmail(dot)com

or in Ravelry my username is AutumnBreeze

or on my website