This week Jim and Aaron discuss the topic of defunding the police. Is it different than abolishing the police? Is it all the same? We discuss Joe Biden's timeline to his current position in the party, and his position on defunding the police. 

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Want to learn more about abolishing the police? Here are some resources from this episode: 

The Daily Show: Joe Biden on reforming the police -

Mass Incarceration: 

The Marshall Project: 

Reimagining communities without police: 

The Struggle to Abolish the Police is nothing new: 

Against the State: An Introduction to Anarchist Political Theory: 

Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison: 

Editors Note: Jim will clarify my point on Single Transferable Vote next week, Jim acknowledges his explanation in retrospect was not as clear as he would have liked. Also...Jim acknowledges that "relavatory" is not a word...revelatory was the word he was going for.