Dr. Drew is back in the studio to listen to Kay be a complete brat about George Gascon. They talk the difference between mental illness and criminal insanity (ie: WE ARE NOT CRIMINALIZING THE HOMELESS). Dr. Drew also proves to be a much better person than Kay, with his concern for the 65,000+ newly released prisoners across California -- are they getting the help they need to peacefully transition back into daily life and not fall into recidivism? Probably not, but Gavin Newsom doesn't care.

Kay compares George Gascon to Mayans M.C., which is exactly who killed her if she ends up mysteriously dead after this episode airs (Gascon or the Mayans, who knows!). It's Friday, fam... so a few swears here and there before we welcome in a relaxing weekend of F*** ALL because IT'S SO UNSAFE TO HAVE FUN IN CALIFORNIA!

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