The Fraternal Order of FNH steps in to help right a wrong … How do you turn away a 95-year old WW2 hero showing up to get his Covid Vaccination? Easy, asked the clowns in Glendale AZ.  Not on our watch! Jacques learns it’s GREAT to support artist you love during a pandemic maybe just read the fine print. Should we love Uber Eats and Progressive commercials THIS much? Mel Brooks gave us Jews In Space …GOP gave us Jews In Space … With Lasers!  AOC is awesome.  Biff updates us on crime wave (really?) in Japan and he breaks down his Superbowl pick.  How much do you have to dumb down GameStop stock story for Jacques to get it and his thoughts on Kong v Godzilla (of course the 1962 version!). Closing Song “It’s So Hard To Be Like Jacques” Sebadoh parody by Jacques' friends (?) My Bro Zebulon circa 1994


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Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4


Jenny is 867-5309

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