BIG DAY … Duran Duran finally gets R & R HoF nom!  Jacques insist all go watch Letterman on Late Night w Seth from last week but NEVER watch Mask Singer … not cause show sucks (which it does) but cause producers are D-Bags.  Biff breaks down an adorable (not so much a high speed) police chase in rural Japan.  Brady retires and goes out on some drama with Pats, Pats nation … totally expected and Brian Flores shining much needed light on NFL BS Rooney Rule!  Biff’s watching Demonslayer S2 and Jacques binged Pennyworth and Boba Fett.


CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast      

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4


Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id


Closing Song: Laid by Beyond Id