Gene and Buck are two very funny guys who are also a couple of the nicest guys Jacques has meet working the opening mic scene in Manchester NH the last few months.  These identical twins have really taken the long route to where they are (easier to name the states they haven’t lived in then the states they have!)  Who are they running from?!

They have a plan and they have each other supporting and pushing and busting on each other.  They also have the best laughs and are the best audience at these mics too!

I’m not a betting guy but the odds makers having them taking some big steps forward in this very tough business over the next couple years!

Follow Buck and Gene on Instagram @Bukuru Ndemukarate

CPP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast   

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id


Closing Song: Other Break by Dan Cray and Beyond Id