Dave LaPointe is the host of Jacques’ favorite podcast Complaints & Observations (currently on hiatus) – and where it’s been a minute since C & O’s last episode … Jacques took matters into his own hands and had Dave on CPP!


THIS is a two-part episode (the 2nd to drop … sometime soon is basically Dave explaining how the Euro Football leagues works to Jacques for 90 minutes… per Jacques request.)


But here … Biff and Joe are (sort of) part of the chat as Jacques wouldn’t shut up … again.


Highlights include them chatting THREE … yes (3) … you know the number of points the Patriots had at halftime vs the Falcon’s in SB 51) … the three bits Jacques uses in his stand up that he STOLE (with permission) from Dave that he heard on Dave’s podcast … which is only on hiatus … it is coming back … it is Dave.




Then hound Dave to start it back up by reaching out to him by CALLING the C & O hotline: 617-657-4736

Also you oan hound him to start C & O back up here:

@dave_lapointe78 on IG

@complaintspod on IG AND Twitter

@DaveLaPointe on FB

@Dave_LaPointe on Twitter



Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @CarnivalPodcast and FB @JacquesLambert


Opening: Complaints and Observation opening Jacques unilaterally decided to jack from Dave. 


Closing Song: Tucker (from The Trump Era EP 2023) by Dan Cray And Beyond Id