1986 Jacques went to Nick’s Comedy Stop with a buddy from his hockey team … a short 38 years later – He (with Joe there to make it a great night) did a set on the stage the truly launched hundreds of comedy careers. Thank you Mr. Mike Koutrobis!

On the other side of the comedy coin, Jacques chats the epidemic of dead shows in the summer and looking forward to LA trip and working with Danta and Sally.

When Joe hears “bike shop” he goes to a happy place (Pee Wee’s Big Adv) … Jacques goes to Bike Shop from Different Strokes.  W – Joe.

July 11th – the one and ONLY chance for a judge to sentence POS Trump (but we’re not holding our breath) – and credit where credit is do, once again the DEM Party masterfully demonstrating their skills of the circular firing squad NOW, with 3 months to go, saying Biden shouldn’t run.  GOP – Evil, DEMS – Morons.

Some football (soccer) talk, some tv talk, parenting tips … and live song (crappy quality) from Jacques’ band Beyond Id playing The Rat in 1993.

Jacques on IG/FB: Carnivalpersonnelpodcast – TiKTok: JacquesFunny

                 Twitter is @CarnivalPodcast @TheJacques4

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber


Opening Song: Beyond Id “Gomer” (off The Stovin’ Years on Spotify)

Closing Song: Beyond Id – Live At The Rat in Boston 1993