Upon Jacques request, Biff and Joe put on tin-foil hats like his and they take turns playing Art Bell and chat their thoughts on UFO, Time Travel, What In Science Fiction becomes Science Fact over next few hundred years … and everything else covered by “In Search Of” in the 1970s!


A fun yap feast where if you’re still listening to this podcast after hearing this one … that’s on you!


CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast   

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is: @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: In Search Of (1970'sTV Theme Song)


Closing Song: 12 Dirty Cabana’s and Me by My Brother Zebulon (1992-ish: Twitter @wykydseptyr and @RodMurphy011 )