Joe and Jacques saw Brian Longwell (The Corporate Comedian) a few weeks back and were blown away.  Brian is more of an “act” then a stand-up comic.  Part one-man show meets a half hour long hysterical Kids In The Hall sketch.

Brian’s path to comedy included a long stop as an engineer at Bell Labs for years before starting his own wildly successful tech company. When we asked when Brian quite his day job and became a full-time comic … on the zoom he held up a circuit board he was designing and told us he hasn’t!  He still owns his company and can’t ever stop building stuff!

Brain IS looking forward to (mostly) retiring and doing more shows.  Maybe the cruise circuit is in his future.  Huge thanks to Brian’s MUCH better half (Nikki) for getting his zoom up and work out and for jumping in aa couple times and being AWESOME!


Follow Brian on Instagram @BCLongwell

And his website:

CPP on IG: @CarnivalPersonnelPodcast and on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast                                                                                           

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: WKRP parody by @Model_CHP3Y (Twitter and Youtube)

Closing Song: Other Break and Lull by Dan Cray and Beyond Id (WMFO 1993 … I think)