Comedian (Producer, Comedy Teacher, Actor, Cool Dad) Mike Koutrobis talks with Jacques about a ton of stuff, including how becoming a dad a little late in the dance for the first time JUST before Covid threw the world a curveball has shaped his comedy.


Mike is the ONLY comic we've had on who is willing to honestly answer the biggest question facing Boston (New England based) comedians: Knights of Columbus or VFW shows!


Also, turns out Mike's closest friends, call him Steve. Wait. What's that?  They don't.  Huh ... 


Over the last year, we've had so many well-known New England based headlining comics, all of who point to Mike as one of their favorite comics AND ALSO one of (if not, THE) show producer they most like to work with!  Jacques also has becoming pals with a dozen plus comics, climbing the ladder, who started off as pupils at Mike's comedy classes and workshops.  Jacques will soon be an (official) pupil of Mike's as Mike will soon be running AT THE REQUEST of club owners, a "here's how not to suck as a host" work shop. I'm sure Mike will call it something more professional but that what it will be.


Follow Mike at:

MikeKComic on Instagram

Mike.Koutrobis on Facebook

CPP on IG: @CarnivalPersonnelPodcast and on Twitter: @Carnival Podcast                                                                                           

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: WKRP parody by @Model_CHP3Y (Twitter and Youtube)


Closing Song: Recess by Beyond Id


Thanks to Mike for use of his stand-up clip to start of this episode!