With Joe SADLY packing the Luseum for his move, Biff and Jacques have a crappy talk about Jacques upcoming colonoscopy and the FOUR Biff’s had!  What!?


Balloon Boy Part Two – The Chines Sequel … as recording started news broke of the spy balloon that was spotted drifting over Montana, where Jacques knows first-hand of Nuke silos from his time spent in the hills of Belt MT!  No, seriously.


Jacques chats being on comic/porn actress/friend of our podcast, podcast Hello Cougar this week and brings all up to speed on his sludge through open mic land which this week brought him to a mostly 20something gay mic in Somerville!


Jacques started and finished Breaking Bad in a week … LOVED IT and his 15-year old whose been dying for Jacques to watch it got some quality time in together bonding over meth! 


Call him Ahad - Biff breaks down the Whale Meat Vending machine saga back in his homeland and gives us a snapshot of Whaling in general … Whale meat was a staple in school lunches growing up for Biff.


What will Biff do with no NHL this week.  Brady retired ... yeah, right!

CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast   

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: Gommer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id


Closing Song: Wedding Present by Dan Cray and Beyond Id