When the world goes sideways (natural disasters, once in a century pandemic made 10x worse by lack of empathy and leadership) … everyday people (metaphorically) put on tights and capes and fly to the rescue.  This week’s guest is one of those heroes. Our friend Abby whom helped an AMAZING local charity organization do INCREDIBLE things from the very onset of the March 2020 Covid shut down. LLAMA (Lifting Lowellians: Assistance and Mutual Aid) is the organization Jacques’ families been working with since last April and have again learned that the friends you make, the good you feel … volunteering is one of the most selfish things you can do!  Abby’s “day job” in social work and history of advocating for those whose voices aren’t often heard, led us to chat tips on how to get involved, where to find ways to help and how to help direct people to the resources out there.  There is almost zero talk of Batman or fart jokes … our apologies.


LLAMA - Lifting Lowellians: Assistance and Mutual Aid



CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

CP: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/


Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Jacques Twitter is @TheJacques4


Opening clip from Billy Murray’s Scrooged.

Closing Song: To Do List by Dan Cray (off the album  'Best Ever")



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