During the civil rights era black americans stood against racial injustice and severe oppression. Today we have been ingrafted or intergrated into they system where some have higher wages, better jobs, homes, you name it, but have we really dealt with the injustices of racism? Have we just learned how to be comfortable under the system of white supremacy? In today's world we have more things, but less money. Most Black People are still living paycheck to paycheck and some say the black middle class is a myth. Entrepreneurship is still in the Black Community. Race Relations in Post -Obama America appears to have gotten worst.Which brings us to our Question of the Day: Has Black America lost it's voice? Have we been hijacked by the so called new black who are content with racial injustice as long as they are provided the illusion of inclusion? Call in and share with us your thoughts. Plus we will have the latest news and events in pop culture & more. So tune in this Saturday @12:30 PM CST