Carlisle Hashim interviews Dr. Mark Leone, anthropologist and his associate, Tracy Jenkins, Tarence Bailey, Sr. and his cousin, Professor Dale Green, descendants, one a great nephew and the other by marriage to Frederick Douglass.  The series continues with the development of Unionville, a town near Easton, Maryland where men of color who fought for the Union settled and owned land for the first time.  Ann Coughlin, an Irish Douglass scholar in Cork, talks about the poignant meeting of the greatest Irish orator of the 19th century, Daniel O'Connell,  meeting who would become one of the greatest American orators, Frederick Douglass when he lands in Dublin in 1845.  Steve Luxemburg illustrates the continuous struggle back in the States of separate but equal incidences Frederick Douglass encountered as he traveled the anti-slavery lecture circuit.  Stay tuned for more podcasts about the 19th Century and how Frederick Douglass' life helped define it on Carlisle's Chesapeake.