2009 did not start off on the best note for me, however things can only get better from here. We faced a couple of challenges and I kept using my own advice and was able to develop inner strength even more. Deleting negative thoughts, being faithful and learning to trust my intuition more than I ever have before. This Terrific Tuesday Teleclass is the story of my challenges in early 2009.

Finn the cat pictured here has taken over Snorkel's (our black lab cross) chair and because we were all so glad he finally came home even Snorkel didn't mind.

Call me (778) 835-4032
Visit www.RetireWithCarla.com
Changing lives forever – Are You Next?

You're Invited To Terrific Tuesday Teleclass
1-218-486-7200 Bridge 549706
Every Tuesday at 5:30 Pacific

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