Do you have a presence on Facebook? Chances are it would likely be a good idea to get started if you have not already done so!!

Today you will hear about Facebook Fan Pages and answer 4 questions I hear again and again...

1) Facebook Page 5 Benefits (Do I Really Need One?)

2) Facebook Fan Page, How Do I Promote it? (or Do I Need to?)

3) Benefits of a Welcome Tab on Your Facebook Page

4) Facebook Fan Page What Kind of Posts Do I Put There?

Listen in and receive the answers to all of these and more!

And I would also like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to 30 Social Media Marketing Tips & Techniques to build your home business using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube.

Go To

Here you can sign up for a tip a day for 30 days, totally free, with specific step by step instructions for using social media to find contacts, leads, customers and clients.

Brought to you by Carla McNeil - Baby Boomer Social Media Marketing Mentor