In today's world philanthropy often moves at the speed of the Internet even if the human condition has not yet learned to heal or grow or change or rebuild or a host of other things that philanthropy can and will address, at that same lighting speed. CAF America's Global Partnerships enable us to bridge those great divides by bringing to the American donor the very best of philanthropic expertise and services on the ground in countries around the world. Through this podcast series, we introduce our listeners, our donors to partners we collaborate with and partners who collaborate with us, in making it possible for that long arch of history, that long arch of philanthropic change to bend a little faster, with much more assurance, and with the full regulatory compliance, risk management and regulatory compliance you have come to rely on from CAF America.

In this edition CAF America President & CEO, Ted Hart will introduce you to Nivedita Narain, Chief Executive of CAF India our partner in India who provides strategic and project management support to corporates, individuals, and NGOs throughout India with an aim to ensure greater impact of their philanthropic and CSR investments. CAF India has many years of experience in managing complex philanthropic and community development initiatives for corporations, institutions, and individuals. They are established pioneers in designing and delivering 'giving' programs tailored to the needs of corporate and institutional donors.