Many people struggle to determine their calling in life, laboriously

trying different things like a piece of clothing, looking to find what fits.

But there are others that emerge fully formed, in full command of their

life, their identity and their future. Hopeton Brown fits firmly in the

latter category. His ongoing community activities not only generates

an encouraging and respectful feeling but has had an inspirational and

motivational effect on the youths.

Mr. Brown, a chemical engineer graduate from Drexel University, came to Philadelphia from

Jamaica in 1977 and ran smack into a wall of prejudice at West Philadelphia High School. He

opened their eyes to reality. In a big step to fight ignorance with the truth he formed the West

Indian Club, a student run organization aimed at educating fellow students in the hopes of erasing

traditional stereotypes.

This initial action eventually led to his dedication and commitment to the promotion of the

Caribbean culture in the Tri-state area. He has been a staple in the Caribbean community for over

40 years. In 2011, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his community activities from

the South Jersey Caribbean Cultural and Development Organization.

Hopeton Brown’s involvement within Caribbean community is far reaching. In the early 80s, a