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CHAT YUH MIND what does Christmas and Santa Claus means to Jamaican people.

Christmas dinner is a big event that brings family and friends together to celebrate and feast. Roast turkey is notably absent from Christmas twist, being made with pigeon peas instead of red kidney beans.
Buying furniture – whether needed or not, some Jamaicans insist on getting new furniture to spruce up their homes and toast the Spring cleaning – The Jamaican version takes place during Christmas week, when householders go through every ‘crevice and corner’, rooting out all the unnecessary possessions that have accumulated during the year. House painting – If we don’t freshen the exterior and interior of our homes at any other time, this gets done during the festive season. Walking the plazas – Leading up the Christmas Eve, even if we have no money to spend, people young and old can be found ‘walking haggling over the best price.Grand Market – All major towns across the island have their variation of ‘Grand Market’ on Christmas Eve. Carol Services – These start from early December and are hosted by churches, schools and businesses. If you’re not a regular churchgoer, a carol service will recall all your musical favorites and help you remember the reason for the Christmas celebration.Family & Friends Reunion
Jonkanoo –