In the summer of 2009, Andrew crashed his motorcycle that left him with a T7 spinal cord injury. He continued on despite the changes to his life and began putting his experiences online through his YouTube channel: “Angl747″. He just wanted to make videos about the things he did and the places he went and those experiences to share with the online community. He also thought, what if there was more I can try to do? The name, is a name he kicked around but the word "disabled" legibly implies "incapacitation" and he didn't like being referred to as "disabled". In fact, he struggled with it after his injury and even though he knew he would most likely always be referred to as "disabled" from society standards,he realized that the word can have a profound affect on the way he looked at himself, the way he is looked at, and how our community as a whole, is perceived. But he is not and our disabled community is not incapacitated, they are "THIS-Abled" to do what they strive for and that is how he ended up crossing out the "dis" and placing "this" above it. Having the opportunity to do what he loves and contribute to the community by involving people with disabilities, is truly a remarkable feeling for him. Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene, who's speech impaired and paralyzed on the right side from a stroke in 1996. His radio show, and his latest book, "The Caregiver's Caregiver; A Guide To Avoiding Burnout" was written to help caregivers avoid burnout and survive the grief process.