Michele Magner has a passion for connecting with people as we navigate the adventures of aging and caregiving!

As an experienced family caregiver, with many years in the Senior Living industry, she understands the challenges we are facing as we care for those we love. Michele sets people up for success so they thrive in the caregiver role, not just survive.

Michele has earned her M.B.A., Masters Certification in Gerontology and is a Gerontology Ph.D. student at UNO. She is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Dementia Practitioner, and Certified Conscious Aging facilitator. In the fall of 2024, Michele will be Adjunct Professor at Creighton University, teaching Long Term Care Administration.

She has volunteered with the Alzheimer’s Association for 9 years and supports the Dreamweaver Foundation, making wishes for people in senior living come true.

She continues to share fresh content and ideas through her Inspired Caring podcast and programs, in addition to private and group coaching.