Tune in to my new radio show, where we will be discussing Caregiver Burnout,and how to avoid it. This week, we will discuss The Grief Process with my guest, Lisa DeLong. Hear her inspirational story. She is a Registered Nurse, a bereaved mom, writer, and co-founder of Justin Time Children`s House, an art based grief center for children and families experienced in the death of a loved one. She is also a bereavement facilitator, and an inspirational speaker. Call in and have her answer some of your tough questions about suffering loss, and the grief process, (she lost her 15 year old son, Justin, to leukemia, and almost lost her other son to it as well, but fortunately, he is doing fine today). Tune in by clicking the link below with an internet connection to hear the show, or call in at 213 943 3630 to speak with her directly on the show. The show will last 1 to 2 hours, depending on the volume of calls we get.

Her website is:  http://www.justintimechildrenshouse.org/

Her Twitter link:  https://twitter.com/lisasolisdelong/status/464416278350819329

Her Blog: https://twitter.com/jtch_org

Thank you.

Dave Nassaney


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